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A look at the best moments of the exclusive dinner with the inner circle of the Suarez house.

This first great moment of Suarez's 80th Anniversary culminated with an exclusive dinner attended by some of the family's closest personalities and friends such as Andrea Pascual y Beltrán, Vega Royo Villanova, Lucía Barcena, Gonzalo Machado and Mafalda Muñoz, Karla Covarrubias and Ramón Hermosilla and Carola Baleztena.

All of them were able to enjoy an unforgettable evening enlivened by a live performance by the artist Pastora Andrade accompanied by the guitar of Josemi Carmona.

Marta Nieto
Lulu Figueroa
Lucía Bárcena
Godeliv Van den Brandt
Macarena García
Rosi de Palma
Maria García, María Pombo y Grace Villarreal
Mónica Ugalde
Bárbara Martelo
Carola Baleztena
Marta Sánchez
María Pombo
Anita Suárez, Fabio Encinar y Lucía Bárcena
María García
Gemma Galán y Macarena García
Nacho Gay, Bea Moreno y Tristán Domecq
Zina Charkoplia
Katia Colomer
Pablo Castellano
Claudia Osborne y Lulu Figueroa
Anita Suárez y Juqui Suárez
Rosi de Palma y Marta Nieto
Godeliv y Luna García